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Name Department Position Phone Email
Abel, Jennifer Training Coordinator
Abou Mikhael, Kamal English Language & Literatures PhD Student, Research Assistant
Accurso, Kathryn Language & Literacy Education Assistant Professor of Teaching
Achilles, Ricki-Lynn PhD Candidate
Adebara, Ifeoluwanimi Linguistics PhD Student
Afreen, Asma Language & Literacy Education PhD Student
Ahluwalia, Max Department of Linguistics Graduate Student
Aiken, Steven Associate Professor
Akinbo , Samuel Linguistics PhD Candidate
Alderete, John Linguistics Associate Professor (778) 782-2488
Anderson, Carly A. Department of Opthalmology and Visual Sciences Postdoctoral Fellow
Aoyama, Ryosuke Department of Language and Literacy Education PhD Student
Arredondo, Maria Assistant Professor
Arrieta Zamudio, Ana Laura Linguistics PhD Student
Asselin, Marlene Language & Literacy Education Associate Professor
Atkey, Susan Library Humanities and Social Sciences Librarian
Ayala , Alex Department of Linguistics PhD Student
Ayan, Irem French, Hispanic & Italian Studies Assistant Professor of French Traductology and Translation
Name Department Position Phone Email
Babel, Molly Linguistics Professor
Badubi, Opelo Department of Language and Literacy Education Ph.D Student
Bahia, Guellaï Academic Co-Director
Bailey, Anthony Psychiatry Professor (604) 822-3630
Ballarin, Roberta Philosophy Associate Professor
Barnes, Steven Psychology Associate Professor of Teaching
Baron, Andrew Psychology Associate Professor
Bartha, Paul Philosophy Head, Professor (604) 822-2621
Bedke, Matt Philosophy Professor
Beguš, Gašper Linguistics Associate Professor
Belcourt, Billy-Ray School of Creative Writing Assistant Professor, Indigenous Creative Writing
Benbasat, Izak Management Systems Division Emeritus Professor (604) 822-8396
Bernhardt, Barbara May Audiology & Speech Sciences Emerita Professor
Best, Catherine Professor
Bidabadi, Erfan Department of Language and Literacy Education Graduate Student
Biermann , Oloff Computer Science
Birch, Susan Psychology Associate Professor (604) 822-3994
Bird, Sonya Associate Professor
Black, Alexis School of Audiology & Speech Sciences Assistant Professor
Bliss, Heather Linguistics Adjunct Professor
Bochnak, Ryan Linguistics Assistant Professor
Boltokova, Daria Postdoctoral Fellow
Bouchard, Marie-Eve French, Hispanic & Italian Studies Assistant Professor
Bouchard-Côté, Alexandre Statistics Associate Professor (604) 822-1669
Bournot-Trites, Monique Language & Literacy Education Associate Professor (604) 822-4873
Bowers, Katherine Central, Eastern & Northern European Studies Associate Professor (604) 822-6431
Boyd, Lara Physical Therapy Professor (604) 822-7197
Brinton, Laurel English Language & Literatures Professor (604) 822-4461
Burge, Heather Anthropology PhD Candidate
Burk, Stefania Asian Studies Associate Dean, Academic, Associate Professor of Teaching (604) 822-3247
Burnham, Denis Professor
Burton, Strang Linguistics Assistant Professor of Teaching (604) 827-5634
Byers-Heinlein, Krista Psychology Associate Professor
Name Department Position Phone Email
Cameron, Catherine Ann Psychology Honorary Professor (604) 822-9078
Campbell, Jennifer Psychology Post graduate research assistant
Cannon, Joanna Educational & Counselling Psychology, & Special Education Associate Professor (604) 822-1645
Canuto, Luisa French, Hispanic & Italian Studies Assistant Professor of Teaching
Carbonetti, Maria French, Hispanic & Italian Studies Lecturer
Cardoso, Amanda Linguistics Lecturer
Carenini, Giuseppe Computer Science Professor (604) 822-5109
Carr, Wendy Language & Literacy Education Associate Dean, Teacher Education, Professor of Teaching (604) 827-5088
Carter, Diana Languages and World Literatures Associate Professor of Teaching (250) 807-9844
Casas Aguilar, Anna French, Hispanic & Italian Studies Assistant Professor (604) 822-4023
Chan, Douglas Department of Linguistics Graduate Student
Chan, Jessica Language Arts and Literacy Education, Faculty of Education, Okanagan School of Education Assistant Professor
Chan, Sylvia School of Audiology & Speech Sciences PhD Candidate
Chand, Ashley Audiology & Speech Sciences MSc Student
Chang, Kristina School of Audiology & Speech Sciences MSc Student
Chase, Bridget
Chen, Katy School of Audiology and Speech Sciences Graduate Student
Chen, Linda Psychiatry Research Assistant
Chen, Wei-Rui Department of Linguistics PhD Student
Cho, Sylvia Department of Linguistics PhD Candidate, Sessional Lecturer
Choi, Sheri Postdoctoral associate
Chusang, Sonam Asian Studies Adjunct Professor
Ciocca, Valter Audiology & Speech Sciences Professor (604) 822-5795
Colozzo, Paola Audiology & Speech Sciences Associate Professor (604) 822-0659
Comeau, Emily Community, Culture & Global Studies PhD Candidate
Corella, Meghan Language & Literacy Education Assistant Professor (604) 827-1430
Cox, Daniel W. Educational and Counselling Psychology and Special Education Associate Professor, Myrne B. Nevison Professor of Counselling Psychology
Crippen, James A. First Nations Languages Postdoctoral Fellow
Curtin, Suzanne Professor
Czeke , Nathalie Early Stage Researcher
Name Department Position Phone Email
D'Arcy, Alexandra Linguistics Associate Professor
D'Silva, Reginald Language & Literacy Education Associate Professor of Teaching
Dancygier, Barbara English Language & Literatures Professor
Davidson , Sara Florence Assistant Professor
Davis, Henry Linguistics Professor (604) 822-8948
Deacon, Hélène Killam Professor
Déchaine, Rose-Marie Linguistics Associate Professor (604) 822-6466
Delage-Béland, Isabelle French, Hispanic & Italian Studies Lecturer
Demmans Epp , Carrie Computer Science Assistant Professor
Derksen, Ruth Civil Engineering Senior Instructor Emerita (604) 822-9581
Desmeules-Trudel, Félix Postdoctoral Fellow
Dev, Deea Graduate Student, Post graduate research assistant
Dharmawan, Erica Psychology PhD Student
Doherty, Liam Language & Literacy Education PhD Candidate
Dollinger, Stefan English Language & Literatures Professor (604) 822-4095
Douglas, Scott Education (UBC-O) Professor (250) 807-9277
Dramkin, Denitza Psychology PhD Candidate
Duff, Patricia Language & Literacy Education Professor (604) 822-9693
Name Department Position Phone Email
de la Cruz-Pavía, Irene Postdoctoral Fellow
de Villiers, Jessica English Language & Literatures Associate Professor (604) 822-4081
Name Department Position Phone Email
Early, Margaret Language & Literacy Education Associate Professor (604) 822-5231
Ebbutt, Nicole Speech Sciences
Edwards, Jan Professor
Edwards, Terra
Emberson, Lauren Psychology Assistant Professor
Enns, James Psychology Distinguished University Scholar, Professor (604) 822-6634
Erard, Michael Writer and Linguist
Name Department Position Phone Email
Fais, Laurel
Faith Okeke, Chinazam Department of Language and Literacy Education Graduate Student
Farris-Trimble, Ashley Linguistics
Fels, Sid Electrical & Computer Engineering Member, Language Sciences Steering Committee, ELIE Research co-Lead, Professor (604) 822-5338
Ferreira, Alfredo Academic English Program, Vantage College Lecturer
Ferreira, Jonathan Department of Language and Literacy Education PhD Candidate
Field, Thalia Neurology Associate Professor
Flynn, Darin Linguistics (403) 220-6110
Fougére, Sonja Linguistics PhD Student
Frackman, Kyle Central, Eastern & Northern European Studies Associate Professor (604) 822-5118
Frandy, Tim Central, Eastern & Northern European Studies Assistant Professor
Fyshe, Alona Assistant Professor
Name Department Position Phone Email
Gagnon-Creeley , Michelle (425) 240-6395
Gambarage, Joash Linguistics Sessional Lecturer
García Pérez, Grisel Languages and World Literatures Associate Professor (250) 807-9310
Gervain, Judit Senior researcher / Professor
Giaschi, Deborah Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences Director of Operations, Child and Family Research Imaging Facility, BC Children's Hospital, Professor (604) 875-2345
Gick, Bryan Department of Linguistics Academic Co-Director, ELIE Research co-Lead, Professor, Simulating Languaging Bodies co-Lead (604) 822-4817
Gilbert, Dave Philosophy Instructor
Gilbert, John College of Health Disciplines, School of Audiology & Speech Sciences Emeritus Professor, Founding Director, Founding Principal
Gillard, Yoriko Language & Literacy Education PhD Student
Gilman, Michelle Language & Literacy Education PhD Student
Giltrow, Janet English Language & Literatures Professor Emerita (604) 822-4060
Golinkoff, Roberta Professor
Gonzales , Wilkinson Daniel Wong English Assistant Professor
Gordon, Julia Mathematics Associate Professor
Gramling, David Central, Eastern & Northern European Studies Professor, Head
Griffin, Michael Philosophy Associate Professor
Gunderson, Lee Language & Literacy Education Professor (604) 822-8456
Guntly, Erin Linguistics PhD Candidate
Gupta, Charu Department of Language and Literacy Education PhD Student
Name Department Position Phone Email
Hall, Geoff Psychology Head, Professor (604) 822-5610
Hall, Judith Medical Genetics Emerita Professor
Hall, Kathleen Currie Linguistics Associate Professor (604) 822-5404
Hamlin, Kiley Psychology Professor (604) 822-2297
Hammerly, Christopher Department of Linguistics Assistant Professor and Director of the Experimental Linguistics and Fieldwork Lab (ELF-Lab)
Hansson, Gunnar Ólafur Linguistics Associate Professor (604) 822-4658
Heim, Johannes Postdoctoral Fellow
Henninger, Ean Library, Archival & Information Studies MLIS Student
Hermida, Alfred School of Journalism, Writing, and Media Professor (604) 822-6682
Hermiston, Nancy Music Professor (604) 822-8246
Hessel, Annina Postdoctoral Fellow
Hirota, Tomoharu English Language & Literatures PhD Student
Hirsh-Pasek, Kathy Psychology Professor
Howe, Tami Audiology & Speech Sciences Assistant Professor (604) 822-2288
Huberdeau-Haliuk, Shanelle French, Hispanic & Italian Studies Graduate Student
Hudson Kam, Carla Linguistics Professor (604) 827-3594
Hui, Bowen Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics and Statistics Associate Professor of Teaching (250) 807-9353
Huijsmans, Marianne Linguistics PhD Candidate
Hunt, Dallas English Language & Literatures Assistant Professor
Huot, Suzanne Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy Assistant Professor
Name Department Position Phone Email
Illes, Judy Neurology Professor
Im, Hee Yeon Psychology Assistant Professor
Islam, Jahurul Department of Linguistics Lecturer
Name Department Position Phone Email
Jacobs, Peter Associate Professor
Jaiman, Rajeev Mechanical Engineering Associate Professor
Jara, Cristina Assistant Professor
Jasinska, Kaja Assistant Professor
Jawahar, Ganesh Computer Science PhD Student
Jenkins, Carrie Philosophy Professor
Jenson, Jen Language & Literacy Education Professor, Digital Languages, Literacies and Cultures
Jenstad, Lorienne Audiology & Speech Sciences Associate Professor (604) 822-4716
Ji, Xuejun (Ryan) Educational & Counselling Psychology, & Special Education Member, Language Sciences Steering Committee, PhD Student
Joanisse, Marc Professor, Senior Affiliated Research Scientist
Johnson, Khia Linguistics PhD Student
Jongman, Allard Department of Linguistics
Name Department Position Phone Email
Kamigaki-Baron, Mitchi Department of Linguistics PhD Student
Kandhadai, Padmapriya
Kassan, Anusha Educational & Counselling Psychology, & Special Education Associate Professor
Kawane, Fiana English Language & Literatures PhD Candidate
Keough, Megan
Khoudour, Rayene
Kobor, Michael Medical Genetics Professor (604) 875-3803
Kolhatkar, Varada Computer Science Assistant Professor of Teaching
Koostachin, Jules Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice PhD Candidate
Kovelman , Ioulia Psychology Associate Professor
Kronmüller, Edmundo Psychology Assistant Professor
Kubota, Ryuko Language & Literacy Education Professor (604) 822-3950
Kudzia, Helena G Central, Eastern & Northern European Studies Sessional Instructor
Kulkarni, Aaditya Linguistics PhD Student
Kutlu, Ethan NSF Postdoctoral Fellow
Name Department Position Phone Email
Labuschagne, Ilse School of Audiology & Speech Sciences PhD Candidate
Lacho, David
LaFontaine, Jade Department of Language and Literacy Education PhD Student
Lakshmanan, Laks V.S. Department of Computer Science Professor
Lam, Zoe Asian Studies Lecturer (604) 822-4131
Larsen, Veronika English Language & Literatures PhD Student
Lebrec, Caroline French, Hispanic & Italian Studies Assistant Professor of Teaching
Lécuyer, Mathias Computer Science Assistant Professor
Leif Moar, Sarah Elysia English MA Student
Léveillé, Yoann Department of Linguistics Graduate Student, PhD Student
Leveridge, Neil Wood Science Assistant Professor
Lieblang, Jason Central, Eastern & Northern European Studies Associate Professor of Teaching
Liu, Suyuan Linguistics PhD Student
Liu, Yadong Linguistics PhD Student
Lloy, Line Department of Linguistics Graduate Student
Lo, Roger Linguistics PhD Candidate
Luntzlara, Noah Department of Linguistics PhD Student
Name Department Position Phone Email
Ma, Andy Educational & Counselling Psychology, & Special Education MA Student
MacLean, Karon Computer Science Professor (604) 822-8169
Madden, John D Electrical & Computer Engineering Professor
Malakaj, Ervin Central, Eastern & Northern European Studies Assistant Professor (604) 822-2798
Mangardich, Haykaz Psychology Postdoctoral Fellow
Marchak, Kristan Assistant Professor
Margolis, Eric Philosophy Professor
Marino, David
Marinova-Todd, Stefka H. School of Audiology & Speech Sciences Associate Professor (604) 822-0276
Martin, Katie Linguistics MA Student
Mason, Glenda Audiology & Speech Sciences Instructor
Matthews, Alicia English Graduate Student
Matthews, Stephen Professor
Matthewson, Lisa Linguistics Professor (604) 822-3571
May, Lillian Psychology Lecturer
McClay, Elise
McEachern, Firth Department of Language and Literacy Education Graduate Student
McGrenere, Joanna Computer Science Professor (604) 827-5201
McMurray, Bob F. Wendell Miller Professor (319) 335-2408
Mellesmoen, Gloria Linguistics PhD Candidate
Mendez Orellana, Carolina Assistant Professor
Minic - Vidovic, Ranka Associate Professor
Mohammad, Saif M. Senior Research Scientist
Mohapatra, Debasish Ray Electrical & Computer Engineering MASc Student
Monroe, M. Willis History Assistant Professor
Montgomery , Clarissa Integrative Neuroscience and Cognition Centre PhD Student
Moon, Angela Language & Literacy Education PhD Candidate
Moore, Patrick Anthropology Associate Professor (604) 822-6359
Morales-Good, Mónica Languages and World Literatures Assistant Professor of Teaching
Morozova, Olena Central, Eastern & Northern European Studies Assistant Professor
Muehlmann, Shaylih Anthropology Associate Professor (604) 822-1913
Murphey, Wini Sessional Instructor
Murphy, Anne History Associate Professor
Mustary, Psyfun English Language & Literatures PhD Student
Name Department Position Phone Email
Navarrete, Carolina A. Liu Institute for Global Issues Postdoctoral Fellow
Nederveen, Sander Department of Linguistics PhD Candidate
Newbury, Dianne Reader in genetics and genomics
Newman, Aaron J Professor
Ng, Raymond Computer Science Member, Language Sciences Steering Committee, Mapping Language Acquisition and Decline Lead, Professor
Nicoladis, Elena Psychology Professor
Nicolai, Garrett Joseph Department of Linguistics Assistant Professor of Teaching
Nijdam, Elizabeth Central, Eastern & Northern European Studies Assistant Professor
Norton, Bonny Language & Literacy Education LST Research Lead, 2016-2019, Professor
Nunez, Desmond Surgery Associate Professor
Name Department Position Phone Email
O'Brien, Juliet French, Hispanic & Italian Studies Lecturer (604) 822-4009
Odic, Darko Psychology Assistant Professor (604) 827-0621
Ong, Claudia Beth Department of Linguistics Graduate Student
Orr-Álvarez, Brianne French, Hispanic & Italian Studies Assistant Professor of Teaching (604) 822-4561
O’Neill, Daniela Professor
Name Department Position Phone Email
Pai, Raymond Asian Studies / Language & Literacy Education Lecturer / PhD Student (604) 822-4131
Park, Jungyeul Department of Linguistics Lecturer
Peacey , Brianna PhD Student
Peatfield, Nick CEO
Peelle, Jonathan Associate Professor
Peña Garay, Marcela Professor
Pine, Aidan Application Development Specialist, Lead Developer
Poon, Brenda Population & Public Health / Wavefront Centre for Communication Accessibility Assistant Professor / Research Division Lead
Poudrier, Ève Assistant Professor
Pulleyblank, Douglas Linguistics Professor (604) 822-2063
Name Department Position Phone Email
Qi, Estella Statistics Instructor (604) 822-8315
Name Department Position Phone Email
Raftery, J. Patrick Music Assistant Professor (604) 822-3460
Rajagopal, Harini Language & Literacy Education Assistant Professor
Rämä, Pia Integrative Neuroscience and Cognition Centre Senior Researcher
Reh, Rebecca Psychology Postdoctoral Fellow
Reza, Mohi PhD Student
Rezaei, Shadi French, Hispanic & Italian Studies PhD Student
Ribary, Urs Psychiatry Professor
Rieger, Caroline Central, Eastern & Northern European Studies Associate Professor (604) 822-5156
Rojas-Primus, Constanza Professor
Roncagalli, Mirta French, Hispanic & Italian Studies PhD Candidate
Rosés Labrada, Jorge Emilio Assistant Professor (780) 492-5698
Roshan, Huma Department of Language and Literacy Education
Ross, Alex Department of Language and Literacy Education PhD Student
Ruitenberg, Claudia Educational Studies Professor Philosophy of Education
Rullmann, Hotze Linguistics Associate Professor (604) 822-1399
Rvachew, Susan Associate Dean, Director
Name Department Position Phone Email
Sadlier-Brown, Emily Linguistics PhD Candidate
Saffran, Jenny Professor
Sah, Pramod Language & Literacy Education PhD Candidate
Saha, Pramit Electrical & Computer Engineering MASc Student, Graduate Research Assistant
Salamon, Anne French, Hispanic & Italian Studies Associate Professor
Schellenberg, Murray Linguistics Research and Archives Manager
Schmidt, Mark Computer Science Associate Professor (604) 822-6421
Schneider, Lauren Linguistics PhD Candidate
Schreyer, Christine Community, Culture & Global Studies Acting Academic Co-Director, Associate Professor, Interim Language Sciences Co-Director, Supporting Community-Engaged Language Survivance co-lead (250) 807-9314
Sear, Victoria Anthropology PhD Student
Shamei, Arian Department of Linguistics PhD Candidate
Shank Lauwo, Monica Language & Literacy Education Member, Language Sciences Steering Committee, PhD Student
Sharma, Prakul Department of Linguistics Graduate Research Assistant, Graduate Student
Shaw, Patricia Anthropology, First Nations & Endangered Languages Program Professor Emerita (604) 822-6481
Sheffer, Alla Department of Computer Science Professor
Shwartz, Vered Computer Science Assistant Professor
Siegel, Linda Educational & Counselling Psychology, & Special Education Emerita Professor
Simard, Charles Editor (Poetry and Fiction)
Simchen , Ori Philosophy Professor (604) 822-4657
Sinnamon, Luanne School of Information Associate Professor
Skoretz, Stacey Audiology & Speech Sciences Assistant Professor
Sladen, Douglas School of Audiology & Speech Sciences Associate Professor
Small, Jeff Audiology & Speech Sciences Professor (604) 822-5798
Soo, Rachel Linguistics PhD Candidate
Sorenson Duncan, Tamara Assistant Professor
Sóskuthy, Márton Linguistics Assistant Professor
Spiliotopoulos, Valia Language & Literacy Education Assistant Professor of Teaching
Srungarapu, Venkata Praneeth Electrical & Computer Engineering MASc Student
Stacey, Anna Department of Linguistics Graduate Student, MA Student
Stavness, Ian Associate Professor (306) 966-7995
Stelle, Beth
Stickles, Elise English Language & Literatures Assistant Professor
Stoessl, A. Jon Neurology Head, Professor (604) 822-7967
Stranger-Johannessen, Espen Associate Professor
Stratton, James English Language & Literatures Assistant Professor
Sun, Zhuo Language & Literacy Education PhD Candidate
Surtees, Victoria Teaching and Learning Specialist
Sutherland , Terrence Cultural Resource Coordinator
Name Department Position Phone Email
Taboada, Maite Linguistics Professor
Tao, Hongyang Asian Studies PhD Candidate, Sessional Lecturer
Tastanbek, Serikbolsyn Department of Language and Literacy Education Ph.D Student
Tessier, Anne-Michelle Linguistics Associate Professor
Thoma, Sonja Language coach
Thomson, Jenny Reader in Language & Literacy, Visiting Associate Professor
Titone, Debra Professor / Canada Research Chair in Language & Multilingualism (Tier I)
Tkachman, Oksana Linguistics PhD Candidate
Tremblay, Kelly Retired Professor
Tunalı, Elif Tutku Psychology Graduate Student
Turin, Mark Anthropology, First Nations & Endangered Languages Program Associate Professor (604) 827-0613
Turner, Alannah
Tworek, Heidi History / Public Policy Associate Professor (604) 822-5181
Name Department Position Phone Email
Ungureanu, Manuela Economics, Philosophy, and Political Science Associate Professor (250) 807-9375
Name Department Position Phone Email
Van Dan Acker, Sara Language & Literacy Education PhD Student
VanHandel, Leigh Music Associate Professor of Music Theory
Vieira, Sara Community, Culture & Global Studies PhD Candidate
Voix, Jérémie Associate Professor, Professor (514) 396-8437
Volfova, Martina Anthropology PhD Candidate
Name Department Position Phone Email
van ´t Hooft, Anuschka Anthropology Professor
Name Department Position Phone Email
Wagner, Laura Psychology Director, Language Sciences Research Lab, Professor
Wang, Fenqi Department of Linguistics Postdoctoral Fellow
Wang, Qian Asian Studies Associate Professor of Teaching (604) 827-3450
Wang, Yue Professor (778) 782-6924
Ward, Shannon Community, Culture & Global Studies Assistant Professor
Waxman, Sandra Professor
Weatherhead, Drew Assistant Professor
Wenk, Regina School of Audiology & Speech Sciences MSc Student
Werker, Janet Psychology CoMBo Research co-lead, Enhancing Language & Literacy Education co-lead, Professor (604) 822-6741
Wernicke, Meike Language & Literacy Education Assistant Professor (604) 827-2070
Williams, Lynne Staff Scientist (604) 875-2000 x6897
Wilson, Rozanne Audiology & Speech Sciences Research Manager
Wiltschko, Martina ICREA Research Professor
Wiznura, Clare Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies MA Student, Research Assistant
Wojcik, Erica Assistant Professor
Wong , Melanie Department of Language and Literacy Education Assistant Professor of Teaching
Wong, Phoebe Interdisciplinary Studies Graduate Program Ph.D Student and Audiologist
Woodward, Todd Psychiatry Professor (604) 875-2000 x4724
Name Department Position Phone Email
Yamamoto, Masaru Department of Language and Literacy Education PhD Candidate
Yeung, Henny Assistant Professor
Yip, Virginia Professor
Yoon, Dongwook Computer Science Assistant Professor
Yoon, Florence Classical, Near Eastern, & Religious Studies Assistant Professor (604) 827-4263
Yu, Skylet Sessional Lecturer
Yu, Xing (Ezra) School of Population and Public Health MSc Student
Name Department Position Phone Email
Zappa-Hollman, Sandra Language & Literacy Education Assistant Professor (604) 827-3764
Zelazny, Sherri School of Audiology & Speech Sciences Clinical Supervisor / Registered Speech-Language Pathologist
Zhang, Chiyu School of Information PhD Student
Zhang, Qinghe MA Student
Zhang, Xuan Audiology & Speech Sciences PhD Candidate
Zhao, Jiaying Psychology, Institute for Resources, Environment & Sustainability Associate Professor (604) 827-2203
Zheng, Tianyi Educational & Counselling Psychology, & Special Education MA Student
Zhou, Kate Department of Linguistics
Zhu, Jian Department of Linguistics Assistant Professor

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We acknowledge that UBC’s campuses are situated within the traditional territories of the Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh, and in the traditional, ancestral, unceded territory of the Syilx Okanagan Nation and their peoples.

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