Márton Sóskuthy
Assistant Professor
Faculty of Arts
Research Themes: Evolving Language in an Information Economy, The Communicating Mind and Body
Márton Sóskuthy is an Assistant Professor in Phonetics and Cognitive Systems in the Department of Linguistics at the University of British Columbia, and the director of the OoPS-Lab (Origins of Patterns in Speech Lab).
His research focuses on the emergence and maintenance of systematic patterns in speech, where patterns are understood in a broad sense: relationships between communicative function / language use / meaning on the one hand and the shapes of words on the other; orderly configurations in sound systems; and recurring patterns of change across languages. He approaches issues in these areas using a combination of cross-linguistic and diachronic data. As the questions he is interested in are often methodologically challenging, much of his work involves computational modelling and statistical analysis, and he maintains an active research profile in applied statistics, particularly in the modelling of non-linear trajectories.
Research interests: Phonetics, sound change, emergence of sound patterns, computational modelling, statistical analysis