Dr. Alla Sheffer
Department of Computer Science
Faculty of Science
Research Themes: The Communicating Mind and Body
Alla Sheffer received her PhD from the Hebrew University in 1999 and is currently a full professor at the University of British Columbia, Canada, where she investigates algorithms for shape modeling and analysis in the context of computer graphics applications. She is best known for her research on mesh parameterization, hexahedral meshing, computational garment design, and perception driven shape modeling.
Dr. Sheffer is the recipient of the Canadian Human Computer Communications Society Achievement Award’18 and a UBC Killam Research Award'19. She is a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, a fellow of ACM, a fellow of IEEE, and a member of the SIGGRAPH Academy. Her research has been supported by faculty awards from IBM, Google and Adobe, a Killam Research Fellowship, and an Audi Production Award. Dr. Sheffer has served as an Associate Editor of all three major computer graphics journals (ACM Transactions on Graphics, IEEE Transactions on Visualization Computer Graphics, and Eurographics Computer Graphics Forum). She served as a program co-chair for Eurographics’18, Symposium on Geometry Processing’06, and Shape Modeling’13. She was a general co-chair for the Pacific Graphics’18 and Geometric Modeling and Processing’19 conferences.
Dr. Sheffer has co-authored over 100 peer-reviewed publications, including 46 papers in ACM Transactions on Graphics, the topmost competitive CG venue; 20 of these were published in the last five years. She holds six recent patents on methods for sketch analysis and hexahedral mesh generation.