Interested in showcasing your work and learning about others on campus? Host a lab visit for LangSci faculty, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows!
Language Sciences will provide modest funds for coffee/catering for labs and research groups who are interested in opening up their doors to visitors in the 2023-2024 Academic Year.
Why host a visit?
Hosting a lab or research group visit will provide an opportunity for:
- Networking with visitors from other departments and disciplines
- Increasing awareness of your work across the UBC community
- Trainees to practice presentation skills
- Brainstorming and feedback from researchers with complementary knowledge
What should a visit look like?
Some ideas about what to do with your visitors include:
- Giving a series of flash talks on projects your research group is undertaking
- Providing demonstrations of the tools and methods that your research group uses
- Centering your visit around current topics (such as large language models, geopolitical events, communication and rhetoric, or social justice issues)
- Highlighting your relationships with your community and industry partners
How will LangSci support it?
LangSci will:
- Help with scheduling and promote the event to fellow Language Sciences members
- Provide a modest budget (~$150) for snacks and beverages for in-person guests
- Provide a modest honorarium ($50) for any community partners who participate
- Assist with Zoom or other conferencing logistics for hybrid or virtual visits
Cross-campus delivery:
Yes! We welcome hybrid or virtual visits (as feasibility permits), in order to include our colleagues at UBCO. Furthermore, we understand that not all research is limited to specific spaces on campus, and that some research is in fact firmly rooted in other territories in the province, country, or even globe.
Click the button below and submit the form to host a showcase or contact us at