Dr. Henny Yeung
Assistant Professor
Research Themes: The Communicating Mind and Body
Dr. Yeung’s research asks how language learning affects sensory perception, articulatory-motor abilities, and human cognition, both in infants and young children acquiring their native language(s), as well as in adults learning a new language. His Ph.D. dissertation, based on work conducted in Dr. Janet Werker’s lab at UBC, focused on the development of speech perception and production from infancy to adulthood. Dr. Yeung has also investigated first and second language acquisition as a research scientist at the Laboratoire Psychologie de la Perception, part of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and the Université Paris Descartes. He is director of the Language Learning and Development Lab (the LangDev Lab) at SFU.
Research Interests
Phonetics and Phonology, First and Second Language Acquisition, Psycholinguistics, and Cognitive Science