Dr. Anthony Bailey
Research Themes: The Communicating Mind and Body
Professor and Chair of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Institute of Mental Health Chair
Dr. Anthony Bailey became Professor and Chair of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at UBC in July 2010. He came from the University of Oxford where he was the Cheryl and Reece Scott Chair of Psychiatry, the first medical chair devoted to the study of autism. Dr. Bailey’s research has investigated the neurobiological basis of autistic disorders, using genetic, neuropathological and neuroimaging approaches. Until his move to Canada, Dr. Bailey coordinated the International Molecular Genetic Study of Autism Consortium: a large international team of clinicians and scientists brought together to identify susceptibility genes for autism. At Oxford, Dr. Bailey built the first Magnetoencephalographic Centre designed for the study of autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders and investigated the neural basis of language and face processing in ASD. Currently he continues his studies of language using MRI and EEG. Dr. Bailey’s clinical work focuses on teenagers and able adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Dr. Bailey also founded Autism Research: the journal of the International Society of Autism Research and served as its Editor-in-Chief until 2015.
Research Interests
Genetic, neuropathologica, and neuroimaging approaches to determining the neurobiological basis of autistic disorders.