Dr. Yue Wang
Research Themes: The Communicating Mind and Body
Yue Wang is the Director of the Language and Brain Lab at Simon Fraser University. Her current research focuses on the roles of various experiential factors in speech perception, production, and learning, with the goal of exploring how multisensory and cognitive systems cooperate functionally in speech processing. Such topics speak to the long-deliberated theoretical argument in terms of the contribution of language-specific versus general sensory-motor mechanisms in speech processing. This theme provides the theoretical framework for recent and current projects in two lines of research: one which probes how multisensory mechanisms work in coordination in speech processing, by investigating the effects auditory, visual articulatory, and gestural input modalities on speech perception; and one which addresses how different experiential factors may shape fundamental sensory circuitry in a domain-general manner, through examining the transfer of experience with spectral and temporal information across cognitive (speech and music) domains and across (native and non-native) languages.
Research Interests
Phonetics (speech perception, articulation, and acoustics), second language speech acquisition, psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, cognitive science.