Dr. Giuseppe Carenini
Computer Science
Faculty of Science
Research Themes: Evolving Language in an Information Economy
Giuseppe is a Professor in Computer Science at the University of British Columbia. Giuseppe has broad interdisciplinary interests. His work on Natural Language processing and Information Visualization to support decision making has been published in over 100 peer-reviewed papers (including best papers at UMAP-14 and ACM-TiiS-14) . Giuseppe was the area chair for “Sentiment Analysis, Opinion Mining, and Text Classification” of ACL 2009, the area chair for “Summarization and Generation” of NAACL 2012, the Program co-Chair for IUI 2015, and the Program co-Chair for SIGdial 2016 . He has also co-edited the 2012 ACM-TIST Special Issue on “Intelligent Visual Interfaces for Text Analysis”. In 2011, he published a co-authored book on “Methods for Mining and Summarizing Text Conversations”. In his work, Giuseppe has also extensively collaborated with industrial partners, including Microsoft, Yahoo and IBM.
Giuseppe was awarded a Google Research Award, an IBM CASCON Best Exhibit Award and a Yahoo Faculty Award in 2007, 2010 and 2015 respectively.
Research Interests
Natural language processing and information visualization to support decision making; sentiment and text mining