Dr. Jiaying Zhao
Associate Professor
Psychology, Institute for Resources, Environment & Sustainability
Faculty of Arts
Research Themes: Language, Sustainability and Transnationalism
Canada Research Chair in Behavioural Sustainability
Jiaying Zhao is the Canada Research Chair (t2) in Behavioural Sustainability, and an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology and the Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability at the University of British Columbia (UBC). She received her Ph.D. from Princeton University. As the director of the Behavioural Sustainability Lab at UBC, she uses cognitive principles to design behavioral solutions to address sustainability challenges. In reaching this goal, she aims to understand how cognitive mechanisms generate behavior, and more broadly, to use behavioral insights to inform the design and the implementation of public policy. For more information about her research, please visit: http://zhaolab.psych.ubc.ca.
Research Interests
Using cognitive principles to design behavioral solutions to address sustainability challenges. Understand how cognitive mechanisms generate behavior. Using behavioral insights to inform the design and the implementation of public policy.