We have funding available for member projects!
Two types of funding are available. To learn more about them, click on the accordion below.
Please note: The current call for requests is closed.
Assessment of Requests
All research seed funding and member funding requests will be assessed on:
- Inter- and/or cross-disciplinarity (you may find a potential collaborator here)
- Request includes team members and demonstrated contributions from multiple departments and/or faculties
- Request includes explicit statement of how proposed project crosses disciplinary boundaries
- New teams and/or new directions
- Proposal describes either ways in which the team constitutes a new partnership or takes an existing partnership in a new direction
- Commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion, minimally within the team and, if relevant, as an outcome of the project
- The clarity and feasibility of the following request components:
- Project rationale and timeline
- Outcomes (such as events held, communications/publications, reports, policy briefs)
- Budget
- Roles of team members
- Whether the request provides a clear plan and timeline for leveraging LangSci funds for external funding
Eligible Requestors
Principal requestors must be faculty at UBCV and UBCO. However, LangSci highly encourages the involvement of trainees and colleagues at UBC and other institutions.
Ineligible Expenses
At this time, Language Sciences cannot provide funding to support development of course materials. If you are interested in matching funds for something like Teaching and Learning Enhancement Funds, please reach out to Language Sciences (language.sciences@ubc.ca).
Submission package
- Research Project Information Form, signed by your Department Chair and Dean
- LangSci Funding Request Form
Kindly email a completed LangSci Funding Request request form (Word or PDF) to language.sciences@ubc.ca.
Note that we advise you submit your RPIF and application form to your dean’s office at least two business days before the grant deadline.