View some of our and others' previous events.
Past Events
October 7, 2019
POSTPONED: Language Science Talks: Comparing Classifier Constructions in ASL and Navajo
Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, we have had to postpone the Language Science Talks event ‘Comparing Classifier Constructions in ASL and Navajo’ on October 7th, featuring Rochester Institute of Technology Assistant Professor Corrine Occhino and…
September 19, 2019
Language Politics and Policy in South Asia and the Himalaya
September 18, 2019
Department of ECPS: Deep Learning – Why You Should be Excited
Speaker: Language Sciences member Dr. Muhammad Abdul-Mageed (Assistant Professor, Linguistics & School of Information, Computer Science, UBC)
September 17, 2019
Department of Computer Science: Learning to Understand Visual Data with Minimal Human Supervision
Image by Pexels from Pixabay
September 16, 2019
Language Sciences Graduate Student and Postdoctoral social
RSVP here Join us for the Language Sciences social after our member event on September 16th! This is an opportunity for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to get to know each other in an informal setting. Everyone is welcome to join this graduate student and postdoctoral fellow…
September 16, 2019
Language Sciences Member Event
RSVP here. Language Sciences is poised to pursue long-term funding at UBC, and we want your input on our potential goals and areas of focus! At our September 2019 member event, we welcome you to join us in focused discussion on the following topics in a World Café format:…
September 13, 2019
50th Anniversary of the School of Audiology and Speech Sciences
September 5, 2019
Departments of CENES, FHIS, CNERS: UBC Language Day