View some of our and others' previous events.
Past Events
April 10, 2019
Dr. Anne-Michelle Tessier (SASS Colloquium)
April 10, 2019
Language Science Talks: Indigenous Storybooks: Protocols and Educational Possibilities
RSVP here. Exploring Protocols in Digital Territories: Dr. Sara Florence Davidson, an Assistant Professor in Teacher Education at the University of the Fraser Valley, will discuss the complexities of honouring protocols in digital spaces. Specifically, she will focus on how the Indigenous…
April 2, 2019
Ronald Adjekum (SASS Colloquium)
March 28, 2019
Language Sciences Writing Group
Set aside some focused writing time in community with other grad students and postdocs! Join fellow LangSci grad students and postdoctoral fellows every other Thursday from 2 to 4 pm in Kenny Room 2563 for the LangSci Writing Group. Each session will include some brief discussion of writing…
March 19, 2019
Atlas.ti workshop
Got qualitative data? LangSci is hosting an Atlas.ti workshop to familiarize grad students, postdocs, and faculty with the qualitative data analysis software ATLAS.ti. The workshop will be helpful for anyone who has (or who plans to have anytime in the future) qualitative data to analyse. Atlas…
March 15, 2019
Publication Strategies Panel
RSVP here. Panelists: Anthony Paré (Professor & Head, LLED), Anne-Michelle Tessier (Assistant Professor, Linguistics), Ron Darvin (recent graduate, LLED, postdoctoral fellow, SFU), Xuejun Ryan Ji (Ph.D. student, ECPS, LangSci Steering Committee) Hear from faculty and…
March 14, 2019
Language Sciences Writing Group
Set aside some focused writing time in community with other grad students and postdocs! Join fellow LangSci grad students and postdoctoral fellows every other Thursday from 2 to 4 pm in Kenny Room 2563 for the LangSci Writing Group. Each session will include some brief discussion of writing…
March 13, 2019
CANCELLED: Language and Politics in Pakistan: The Case of Punjabi
THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED. Mushtaq Soofi is a celebrated poet, critic and advocate for the Punjabi language in Pakistan, where despite the numerical dominance of ethnic Punjabis, Urdu dominates and Punjabi has a peripheral status. Everyone is invited to attend and hear him …