View some of our and others' previous events.
Past Events
June 1 - June 7, 2019
Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences
May 29, 2019
Language Science Talks: Storybook Mexico: Best practices to promote children's literacies in Indigenous languages
RSVP HERE. This talk will discuss ideas to promote children´s literacies in the indigenous languages in Mexico. In Mexico, all indigenous languages are minority languages, some of which have several linguistic variants that are in different situations and degrees of vitality and…
May 23 - May 25, 2019
Annual Conference on African Linguistics
May 21, 2019
Language Science Talks: From text analytics to predictive analytics enhanced by language sciences
RSVP HERE. Data Science Institute Director and UBC Computer Science Professor Raymond Ng will present this talk. In the first half of this talk, he will give a short overview of some of the research he has done on analyzing various types of text data. This would include sentiment…
May 14, 2019
Dr. Jeff Crukley (SASS Colloquium)
May 13, 2019
Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Research Day
Click here for the schedule. No other species but humans has language. It has enabled us to create complex civilisations, technology, and culture, and affects diverse aspects of our lives. Studying language involves many diverse perspectives, backgrounds, toolkits, and approaches. On…
May 2 - May 3, 2019
LLED Graduate Student Conference
The LLED Graduate Student Conference is a biannual student-led academic conference. The conference is designed to provide opportunities for graduate students to gain conference experience, to share their work and also receive useful feedback from peers/conference participants. Click…