January 31, 2023
Seeking Teaching Assistant for Living Language course, September 2023
Deadline: 12:00pm Tuesday, February 28th Are you looking for an exciting Teaching Assistantship and be part of an innovative, university-wide course? Team-taught by Dr. Mark Turin (Anthropology & First Nations and Endangered Languages, UBC-V) and Dr. Elena Nicoladis (Psychology,…
January 16, 2023
LSURC 2023: Call for Adjudicators
The 2023 Language Sciences Undergraduate Research Conference is looking for Faculty members to volunteer at the conference on February 17th and 18th to judge oral and poster presentations. Click here to apply!
January 9, 2023
Q&A with Dr. Xuejun (Ryan) Ji, former LangScis Student Steering Committee Member
Xuejun (Ryan) Ji is a current Ph.D. student in Measurement, Evaluation, and Research Methodology (MERM). Prior to coming to UBC, he obtained his first Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction (Language and Literacy) from Texas A&M University - College Station. His research focuses on diagnostic…
January 9, 2023
Meet the new Language Sciences Student Steering Committee Members
The Language Sciences Institute recently welcomed two new student members to our Steering Committee. Please join us in welcoming Suyuan Liu and Xin Sun! Suyuan Liu - Ph.D. Student, UBC Linguistics Suyuan is a Ph.D. student in Linguistics at the University of British Columbia. Her current…
January 6, 2023
Intentional and Incidental Vocabulary Learning: The Role of Historical Linguistics in Language Acquisition - Q&A with Dr. James Stratton
If you’re looking to learn a new language, you might want to start by taking a deep dive into historical linguistics. In the study, ‘Intentional and Incidental Vocabulary Learning: The Role of Historical Linguistics in the Second Language Classroom’, Dr. James Stratton, Assistant Professor in…
December 21, 2022
LLED Graduate Student Conference - Call for Proposals
LLED Graduate Student Conference The LLED Graduate Student Conference is a biannual, student-led academic conference. The conference is designed to provide opportunities for graduate students to gain conference experience, to share their work, and to receive useful feedback from peers/conference…
December 15, 2022
Call for Abstracts: Language Latitudes Workshop
Language Latitudes: Expanding Our Understanding of Language Attitudes You are invited to the Language Latitudes Two-Day Workshop (April 13-14, 2023) at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. This workshop is a collaboration between the University of British Columbia …
December 5, 2022
Member Spotlight: Dr. Dallas Hunt
Dr. Dallas Hunt is an Assistant Professor in the Department of English at UBC. He is a Cree and a member of Wapsewsipi (Swan River First Nation) in Treaty 8 territory in Northern Alberta, Canada, and has had creative and critical work published in the Malahat Review, Arc Poetry, …
December 5, 2022
The Francophone Community as Third Space and its Importance for Immigrant Integration in Metro Vancouver
Sense of community is essential for the integration of immigrants into a new culture or society. For French-speaking immigrants in Canada, Francophone minority communities can act as a unique space for connection, communication, and sense of belonging. However, with British Columbia being the…
December 5, 2022
Impacts of the COVID-19 disruption on the language and literacy development of monolingual and heritage bilingual children in the United States: Q&A with Xin Sun
In the study, 'Impacts of the COVID-19 disruption on the language and literacy development of monolingual and heritage bilingual children in the United States,' researchers examined the effects of COVID-19-related school disruptions on English language and literacy development among…