Member Spotlights
July 7, 2022
Introducing Turjuman: A Public Tool For Neural Arabic Machine Translation
Recent progress in artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming lives. In particular, advances in deep learning, a subfield of AI that loosely mimics information processing in the brain, has enabled innovations across a wide range of domains. One area where rapid progress is taking place is machine…
June 23, 2022
Member Spotlight: Dr. Mark Turin
Language Sciences member, Dr. Mark Turin, is an anthropologist, linguist and radio presenter. At the University of British Columbia, Mark currently serves as an Associate Professor of Anthropology. He previously served as Chair of the First Nations and Endangered Languages…
June 16, 2022
Member Feature: Denitza Dramkin
Language Sciences member, Denitza Dramkin, is currently pursuing her PhD in Developmental Psychology working with Dr. Darko Odic in the Centre for Cognitive Development. Don't miss her upcoming Language Sciences Talk, 'Exploring the link between language and perception through number words and…
June 1, 2022
Digital Media: Providing opportunities for language and literacy learning for youth from refugee backgrounds
The world of digital media is providing new pedagogical opportunities for authentic and engaging language and digital literacy learning for culturally and linguistically diverse youth from refugee backgrounds. Dr. Maureen Kendrick, Dr. Margaret Early, Amir Michalovich and Meena Mangat developed…
May 4, 2022
An Examination of French and English Reading Comprehension in Canadian French Immersion Programs: Q&A with Dr. Stefka H. Marinova-Todd
Parental level of education, instruction time, and amount of language practice that children receive have enhanced our understanding of how bilingual and multilingual children learn to comprehend text. Guided by the simple view of reading and the interdependence hypothesis, the study, 'A…
May 4, 2022
New Platform for Deep Learning Training Launches
Assistant Professor, Dr. Muhammad Abdul-Mageed, and his team at the Deep Learning & Natural Language Processing (DLNLP) Group at UBC have recently launched, a new educational platform for Deep Learning training. Learnera will focus on offering hands-on Deep…
May 3, 2022
Language Science Members Awarded 2021-22 CUES Funding
Congratulations to Language Sciences members, Dr. Jiaying Zhao, PhD Candidate Marianne Huijsmans, Dr. Christine Schreyer and Dr. John Lyon for receiving 2021-22 Community University Engagement Support (CUES) funding! CUES funding reduces financial barriers and prioritizes reciprocal, inclusive…
March 31, 2022
Embracing Superdiversity: New book highlights the importance of students' cultural, linguistic and racial backgrounds
The new book, ‘Superdiversity and Teacher Education: Supporting Teachers in Working with Culturally, Linguistically, and Racially Diverse Students, Families and Communities,’ challenges existing teaching and learning paradigms, shifting away from the current Eurocentric, monolingual and…
March 7, 2022
LSURC: Providing unique opportunities for undergraduates through language research
For the past six years, the Language Sciences Undergraduate Research Conference (LSURC) has been providing undergraduate students with the opportunity to explore language and communication research, and practice the skills required for presenting and speaking publicly in a formal academic setting. …
February 16, 2022
Exploring how the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted gaps in research about the transmission of respiratory diseases: Q&A with Dr. Nicole Bouvier
The COVID-19 pandemic has made research into virus transmission a top scientific priority. SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, can be spread through virus-infected saliva droplets and particles. The details of how far and fast saliva droplets and particles disperse through the air, and…