Beyond Optimization and Operations: Data for People
March 3, 2023, 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm
Join UBC's Data Science Institute on March 3rd for, 'Beyond Optimiztaion and Operations: Data for People' featuring Ryam Hum, Chief Information Officer and Vice President of Data and Information, Canada Energy Regulator.
Too often organizations focus on utillizing data to optimize their operations, algorithms to sell more to their customers, to find cases, reduce churn, better market products, etc. We believe this approach misses an opportunity to redefine the organization itself. At the Canada Energy Regulator, data projects have helped the organization pursue new lines of work that fundamentally help the organization re-think what is possible... how data can be used for society... to build trust, help the public engage in policy, and use data as an act of reconciliation.