Two language sciences members sit at a table, discussing research at a recent member event.  One of them, a woman with long dark hair, glasses, and a dark-colored long-sleeved shirt, gestures while speaking, while the other, a woman with light-coloured hair pulled back in a ponytail, wearing a dark-coloured short-sleeved shirt,  writes down notes on a large flipchart on the table in front of them.  Other language sciences members can be seen conversing in the background.
Participate in Language Sciences' Fall 2022 Member Event!

LangSci Fall 2022 Member Event

September 27, 2022, 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm

1961 East Mall Room 302 - Dodson Room

Join us for the Language Sciences Institute's Fall 2022 Member Event!  

We will be holding a hybrid event, featuring flash talks by six members on their research.  This event is open to all LangSci members, as well as members of the public.

Speakers include:

Speaker Topic
Dr. Alfredo A. Ferreira, Lecturer, Academic English Program, Vantage College, UBCV Scaffolding Disciplinary Development in a Supplementary Textbook Focused on Language and Multimodal Competencies in First-year Physics
Dr. Stacey Skoretz, Assistant Professor, School of Audiology & Speech Sciences, UBCV Sorry, can’t talk, too busy eating: A cross-system and cross-species aerodigestive tract framework
Dr. M. Willis Monroe, Research Associate, Philosophy, UBCV Collaborative work on computational approaches to the decipherment of an ancient script from SW-Iran
Dr. Bowen Hui, Associate Professor of Teaching, Computer Science, UBCO An automatic approach for aligning student skills, program learning outcomes, and industry demands
Dr. Todd Woodward, Professor, Psychiatry, UBCV fMRI and Language
Dr. Lauren Emberson, Assistant Professor, Psychology, UBCV The UBC Baby Learning Lab

RSVP here, or join us online via zoom:

Zoom link
Meeting ID: 657 8071 4893
Passcode: 181521

First Nations land acknowledegement

We acknowledge that UBC’s campuses are situated within the traditional territories of the Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh, and in the traditional, ancestral, unceded territory of the Syilx Okanagan Nation and their peoples.

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