Diversity and Literary Acquisition
April 19, 2022, 9:00 am to 10:00 am
Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 688 8472 6165
Passcode: 359917
Speakers Susan Rvachew, Ph.D. (McGill University), Dahlia Thompson (M. Phil., Doctoral Candidate), and Carlos Perez Valle (B.A., Doctoral Student) will present on Diversity and Literary Acquisition as part of the Literacy and Technology & New Media Speaker Series.
Shared reading is a powerful context for the learning of language and emergent literacy skills. Not all children experience the same benefit from these shared reading activities, however. Child, book, and reader characteristics all play a role in the outcomes. Several studies that explore these variables will be presented. Susan will discuss learning from digital versus paperbooks by children who have varying levels of letter knowledge. Gender effects on the shared reading experience in small groups will also be discussed, focusing on child-reader interactions. Following up on the possibility of gender differences in learning from shared reading, Dahlia will present data from a study in which executive functions are considered as a predictor of learning from shared reading in a remote learning context. Finally, Carlos will consider the increasing diversity of speech-language pathology caseloads and the need for more diverse speech-language pathologists and the use of culturally responsive speech therapy materials to advance the learning of individuals who come from culturally diverse backgrounds.
Speaker Bio
Dr. Susan Rvachew’s research is concerned with the development and integration of speech perception, speech production, phonological and emergent literacy skills during the period infancy through early school age.She also studies the nature of speech delay and the efficacy of speech interventions.