On October 5th, Dr. Bonny Norton, Espen Stranger-Johannesen, Asma Afreen, and Michelle Gilman will be presenting their work on Storybooks Canada. All are welcome to attend!
Title: Storybooks Canada: A Digital Innovation for Multilingual Children
Date and Location: Thursday, October 5, 12:30–2:00 p.m.
Multipurpose Room (2012)
Ponderosa Commons
6445 University Boulevard
UBC Point Grey Campus
According to the 2016 Census, more than 7 million Canadians speak a language other than English or French as a mother tongue. To help children maintain the home language, as well as learn an official language, a UBC team in the Department of Language and Literacy Education has developed Storybooks Canada. This website has been designed specifically for teachers and parents, making 40 stories from the African Storybook freely available in the major immigrant and refugee languages of Canada, as well as English and French. Our panel presentation will address the development of the initiative and current research projects. Storybooks Canada acknowledges funding from the UBC Language Sciences Initiative and a UBC research cluster grant.
Learn more about the Storybooks Canada project at storybookscanada.ca.